It's Finally cooling off here in Flagstaff and I can stop having night sessions and start climbing more during the day. Summer is always great here and its stays relatively cool, but im glad it's over. An added plus to the weather getting cold is that all the hippies go back inside just in time for conditions to get prime. The past few months have been fairly productive and I've managed to send a few of my Priest Draw projects including the 3rd ascent of Pink Lightening Ultra, The BK Broiler, The Crossjoint FA and Luke Cockstalker. Most of these I had given up on or had deemed to difficult to send until the cold temps arrived, so I was pretty physced to finish them before fall. Heres a few pictures of things lately.
The BK Broiler-Priest Daw Flagstaff
Photo by:Sam Davis |
BVB Roof-Flagstaff Hinterlands
photo by: Pat Fitts |
Super BVB Roof Project
Flagstaff Hinterlands
This is landing for the Sparklejockey(BVB direct) There are big moves towards the lip and failure to send results in being thrown over or through the trees.
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